Nice Double | Brandy & Harley | J.R. Kennels |
What To Expect
Landscape The rolling plains region of the Northeastern Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles offers unique terrain relative to their respective states. With an elevation of 2,550 ft., the high plains offer wide open rolling hills and thick brush bottom lands with spring fed ponds & creeks. This unique and pristine geography supplies an abundance of wildlife habitat for wild Bob White Quail, Pheasant, White Tail deer, Mule deer, Rio Grande Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, and an abundance of other critters. Accommodations Once a thriving community bank, our 8,000 sq. ft. lodge has 6 individual bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, a basement with an additional seven beds. Two unique fireplaces make for a relaxing atmosphere, the old bank vault makes an extraordinary gun safe, and don’t forget your swimming trunks for our hot tub. We regularly rent our lodge during the summer for family reunions, church retreats, and even as a quiet getaway for couples seeking solace. Meals at The Last Buffalo are worth the trip alone. Breakfast is served at the lodge every morning and is always excellent , lunchtime offers a quick break from the action and is served in the field. Dinner each evening, served back at the lodge, consists of…
Upland Hunts
Rio Grande Turkey
Managed Property
Preparing For Your Hunt
Camp / Hunt Policies
What’s Included?
What’s Not Included.
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The Last Buffalo
303 S Main St,
Darrouzett, TX 79024
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